modular solution

ZTech delivers a complete solution which facilitates the day to day management of gas stations, making tracking and control of fuel, from delivery to sales, possible.

Our technology is available in modules, which can be acquired together or separately, and are 100% integrated with one another, guaranteeing essential information for the daily routine of gas station owners and their teams.


Praia do Flamengo, 66
Bloco B | Sala 1115 - Flamengo
CEP: 22210-903 - Brasil


(21) 3285-0110

Horário de Atendimento

Seg. a Sex de 9h às 18h.

Seg. a Sex. de 8h às 18h.
Sábado* de 8:30h as 12:30h.
*Exceto feriados nacionais

@EZTech Tecnologia e Automação • 2021 • Todos os Direitos Reservados