

Modular Automation

EZVision is a revolution in automation for the market, due to its capacity to totally integrate communication among pumps, tank gauging and environmental monitoring. The equipment is available, Wireless or Wired, integrated with the main pumps, management software and tank gaugers on the market. Its touch screen permits quick visualization of information, exhibiting closing and stock reports in real time.

EZForecourt Plus 2GS


The leader in Wireless in the market, this is the main solution for large gas stations and those not wanting to worry about infrastructure or communication failure. The EZForecourt Plus Wireless connects an unlimited number of pumps and gas nozzles, communicating with the pumps through remote terminals installed inside them. Integrated with the main pumps, management software and tank gaugers on the market. The combination of Wireless ZigBee technology, outside the wifi network, with two latest- generation micro-controllers, results in full security and speedy communication.

EZForecourt Plus 2GS


Líder Wireless no mercado, essa é a principal solução para postos grandes e que não querem se preocupar com infraestrutura ou falha de comunicação. O EZForecourt Plus Wireless não possui limite de bombas nem de bicos, se comunicando com as bombas através de terminais remotos instalados dentro delas. Integrado com as principais bombas, softwares de gestão e medidores de tanque do mercado. A mistura de tecnologia ZigBee Wireless, que é fora da rede wi-fi, com dois microcontroladores de última geração resultam em segurança total e velocidade na comunicação.



The best-selling equipment for pump automation, it is able to communicate with up to 16 pumps, connected in its 4 slots by data cables. Its cutting-edge processor is multifunctional, being integrated with the main pumps, management software and tank gaugers on the market. The EZForecourt Plus is autonomous equipment with onboard WindowsCE, combining intelligence and robustness.


Pump Attendant ID / Clients

The solution for identifying pump attendants and/or EZTech clients. Integrated with the EZForecourt Plus or superior automation, it is capable of working autonomously, with sufficient memory to manage up to 1000 refuelings, without communicating with the automation. This guarantees its enhanced robustness in the gas station sector, eliminating any chance of an interruption to refueling due to communication failures.
With EZID, a pump will only release fuel after reading each pump attendant’s ID card. Each refueling is then related to a specific pump attendant and/or client, enhancing transparency in management, as well as allowing for the implementation of internal policies based on an analysis of the team’s performance.



A solução de identificação de frentistas e/ou clientes da EZTech. Integrado com as automações EZForecourt Plus ou superior, ele tem capacidade para trabalhar de forma autônoma, com memória para gerir e armazenar até 1000 abastecimentos sem se comunicar com a automação. Isso garante a ele maior robustez no ambiente de postos de combustíveis, eliminando a chance de seu ponto de abastecimento parar em caso de falha de comunicação.
Com o EZID, a bomba só libera o abastecimento mediante a leitura de um cartão em posse de cada frentista. Cada abastecimento passa então a ser associado a um frentista e/ou cliente, o que aumenta a transparência na gestão, além de permitir a implementação de políticas internas através da apuração do desempenho da equipe.

It contains our products too!


Praia do Flamengo, 66
Bloco B | Sala 1115 - Flamengo
CEP: 22210-903 - Brasil


(21) 3285-0110

Working Hours

Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm
(GMT – 3 hours)

Monday to Friday* from 8am to 7pm
Saturday*from 8.30am to 12.30pm.
(GMT – 3 hours)
*Except National Holidays

@EZTech Tecnologia e Automação • 2021 • All Rights Reserved